Sunday 6 May 2012

Welcome to the Book 2.0 Blog

The book is an extraordinarily successful piece of technology. For centuries it has been the most widely used and powerful medium for conveying information, ideas and imaginings. In academies, schools, universities, and workplaces of all kinds, books have stimulated discussion and debate, informed new ideas, and inspired innovations and inventions of all kinds; books expressing political and social ideas have been instrumental in bringing down governments and raising new ones; and, most importantly, books have given untold pleasure to countless readers.
The modern revolution in communications technologies – in the sense of the speed and extent of travel and the capacity for sharing ideas – threatens and, at the same time, confirms and extends the place of books and book-making in our lives. It makes possible new types of books, new methods of production and distribution, and new types of authorship that could barely be imagined just a decade ago.

Specific concerns of Book 2.0 will include the changing roles and functions of the book, as perceived from both the makers' and the users' points of view; new developments in the technology of the production and distribution of books, and on the future of 'traditional' book-making crafts. Book 2.0  also aims to bring its readers reviews and examples of the most innovative and exciting writing and book making. Book 2.0 will seek to balance theoretical articles and papers with practice-based research by leading book artists, illustrators and authors (including examples of their work). We therefore intend to include samples from new and especially innovative artists' books, web pages and texts.
Book 2.0 will also seek to provide a forum for promoting and sharing the most innovative and progressive practice in the teaching of writing, illustration, book design, production and publishing in the secondary, FE and HE sectors.
In this blog, we intend to publish occasional short peer-reviewed articles, reviews, and selected correspondence connected with Book 2.0,  in addition to the print and online issues of the journal.  We hope you enjoy the blog.
If you wish to read Issue 1, Volume 1 of Book 2.0  for free, please go to,id=198/
If you would like to submit an article, review or letter to be considered for inclusion in this blog, please send it by email to: and

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